Ejen Ali: The Movie Animation Breakdowns
Ejen Ali: The Movie is a 2019 Malaysian computer-animated spy-fi action film. The film follows teenage agent spy Ali as he has to uncover a mystery technology that threatens the city of Cyberaya, and risking loyalty to his secret agency MATA.
It is the first film made by WAU Animation, based on their TV animation series, Ejen Ali. It is directed by Usamah Zaid Yasin and co-written by Usamah himself, Shafiq Isa and Fuad Md Din.[2]
It is released simultaneously in 3 countries, including Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei on 28 November 2019, and in Indonesia on 1 January 2020.
Director: Usamah Zaid Yasin
Release Date: 28 November 2019 (Malaysia)
The Animation are made by:
Wau Animation
Primeworks Studios (in collaboration with)
Fox Renderfarm (rendered with)
Source: Fox Renderfarm, Wau Animation
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