Kazumi Racecar Pig Animated Short Film by David Mc Bride
Kazumi Racecar Pig is the story of a little pig who starts out afraid of anything different than what he is used to in his own pig culture. One night Kazumi crashes his space racecar on an alien planet. Kazumi must face a world of different to get home. He may just learn that different can be great and make a friend or two along the way.
Kazumi is voiced by the amazing Anna Brisbin. Pablo the tortoise is voiced by the great Jason Marsden. All original music created by the talented Tomo Tam and “Our Song” beautifully performed by Yukari Obana.
David Mc Bride (Director)
Anna Brisbin (voice)
Tomo Tam (music)
Yukari Obana (song)
For more information, please visit at