ProductionCrate Spaceship Sound Effects Pack
May 26, 2020 – ProductionCrate Spaceship Sound Effects Pack. Spaceships, done right, can be iconic.
They’re a character in their own right. Just think about your favorite spaceship. The Millennium Falcon, Serenity, Battlestar Galactica, Starship Enterprise, they’re all as much a part of your favorite movies and shows as the actors are. The best ships are the ones that have personality (figuratively or often literally), quirks, a unique look, and most importantly, great sound.
Whether you’re engaging light-speed travel or dodging asteroids you’ll need the right audio to match those impressive visuals. We’ve been building out the VFX side of things, with our 3D content regularly expanding and tutorials to help you along the way, but our audio options have been lacking. Until now.
We’re happy to say we now have over 45 spaceship sound effects available for download. This includes a variety of flyby action. interior sounds to set the vibe. Audio for large and small aircraft, and everything in between. 11 of these sound effects are free for everyone.
We have 48 total Sci-Fi vehicle sound FX for you to choose from, find the right one for your project and start building today! Don’t forget to check out the rest of our Sci-Fi Sound Effects section here.
Source: ProductionCrate
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