Stargirl Visual Effects Breakdowns
DC’s Stargirl, or simply Stargirl, is an American drama web television series created by Geoff Johns that premiered on DC Universe. It is based on the DC Comics superhero of the same name created by Johns and Lee Moder. The series follows high school student Courtney Whitmore, portrayed by Brec Bassinger, who discovers the cosmic staff and becomes the inspiration for a new generation of superheroes who become the Justice Society of America.
Stargirl premiered on May 18, 2020, and will consist of 13 episodes. The series will also air the following day on The CW, as well as be available on The CW’s digital platforms. Ahead of the series premiere, characters from the series were featured in the Arrowverse crossover “Crisis on Infinite Earths”, establishing Stargirl as existing on a parallel Earth to the Arrowverse series.
Stargirl Visual Effects by Zoic Studios
Zoic Studios, Did you catch the series premiere of DC’s Stargirl last night? We loved working with Geoff Johns and the team at Warner Brothers on this show. If you haven’t seen it, you can watch it today on The CW app!
Stargirl Visualization by The Third Floor
Stargirl brings out strength and heroism in a new series for DC Universe, also airing on The CW network and its digital platforms. Armed with a celestial scepter and a newly discovered heritage, Stargirl sets the stage to inspire a generation of superheroes to come.
Directors across the premiere season used THE THIRD FLOOR’s previs process to develop sequences in 11 of 13 episodes, and THE THIRD FLOOR worked with showrunner Geoff Johns to visualize action-filled scenes with fast-paced turnaround.
“The rapid pace was exciting and moved the project forward quickly,” notes Visualization Supervisor, Jason Thielen. “We created cinematic previs that helped plan the episodes efficiently. It was rewarding to collaborate with all the different directors through their individual creative workflow. We also enjoyed working alongside the showrunner & producers to help introduce these unique characters to a live-action series.”
Can’t wait to meet Stargirl, STRIPE, and a cadre of other heroes in action? You can catch the series premiere on DC Universe on May 19th and then on The CW the next day.
For more information, please visit at Stargirl