The Tomorrow War (2021 film)
The Tomorrow War is an upcoming American military science fiction action film directed by Chris McKay, produced by David Ellison, Dana Goldberg, Don Granger, David S. Goyer, Jules Daly and Adam Kolbrenner, with a screenplay written by Zach Dean and Bill Dubuque. The film’s cast is scheduled to include Chris Pratt, Yvonne Strahovski, J. K. Simmons, Betty Gilpin, Keith Powers, Mike Mitchell and Sam Richardson, amongst others, with Pratt executive producing the film in his debut as producer. The film, which is set in the near future, focuses on humanity’s war against an invading alien force, hoping to win it by using scientists’ new ability to draft soldiers from the past to the war.
The film was scheduled to be released on December 25, 2020, by Paramount Pictures, but was rescheduled to July 23, 2021, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Director: Chris McKay
Release Date: 23 July 2021 (USA)
The VFX are made by:
Weta Digital (VFX Supervisor: Sheldon Stopsack)
For more information, please visit at The Tomorrow War