The Umbrella Academy Behind the Scenes
The Umbrella Academy is an American superhero web television series based on the comic book series of the same name published by Dark Horse Comics. Created for Netflix by Steve Blackman and developed by Jeremy Slater, it revolves around a dysfunctional family of adopted sibling superheroes who reunite to solve the mystery of their father’s death and the threat of an impending apocalypse. The series is produced by Borderline Entertainment, Dark Horse Entertainment, and Universal Cable Productions.
The first season was released on Netflix on February 15, 2019. It received positive reviews from critics, with many praising the cast and visuals, though the tone and pacing were criticized.[1] In April 2019, Netflix reported that 45 million households had watched season one during its first month of release. That same month, the series was renewed for a second season.
Go behind the scenes to see how Umbrella Academy’s Pogo (Adam Godley) was made. You’ll see just how different Pogo looked in real life before any effects were added.
Go behind-the-scenes with the cast of The Umbrella Academy.
For more information, please visit at The Umbrella Academy