The Witcher: Behind the Scenes
The Witcher is an American fantasy drama series produced by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. It is based on the book series of the same name by Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski.
The first season, consisting of eight episodes, was released on Netflix in its entirety on December 20, 2019. It is based on The Last Wish and Sword of Destiny, which are collections of short stories that precede the main Witcher saga. Before the first season had been released, Netflix announced a second eight-episode season, to be released in 2021; production was scheduled to commence in London in early 2020.
The VFX are made by Cinesite, Framestore, Nviz, One of Us, Platige Image and Mattescape Studios.
Stunt coordinator Vladimir Furdik takes us through how he constructed the Kikimora fight scene in the first season of The Witcher.
The Witcher’s Anya Chalotra, who plays Yennefer, breaks down a scene from the show, shot by shot.
On a Continent riddled with evil, the paths of a monster hunter, a sorceress and a runaway princess converge. The Witcher, starring Henry Cavill, streaming now on Netflix.
The Witcher himself takes us through how THAT fight scene came together, Shot By Shot.
Cinesite’s team in London completed over 250 shots and worked on all 8 episodes for season 1 of The Witcher, creating horrifying monsters, epic battles and a fiery, spectacular climax sequence. Our supervisor Aleksandar Pejic, worked closely with production supervisor Julian Parry to complete the visual effects.
Framestore delivered an extensive range of VFX for the much talked-about Netflix series The Witcher. Based on the Witcher Saga series of books by Andrzej Sapkowski, the series features magic and fantastical environment which Framestore was charged with bringing to life.
Platige Image, Months of hard work involving 150 artists – all to take viewers on a magical journey to the world of “The Witcher”. Working on the Netflix series was a great adventure for all of us. We would like to thank the team, partnering VFX studios and production supervisor Julian Parry for the amazing work.
The Witcher Making Images
For more information, please visit at The Witcher