VFX Studios Celebrating on International Women’s Day 2020
VFX Studios celebrating on International Women’s Day 2020. Have a look at this, how they’re celebrating on women’s day 2020.
March 8 marks International Women’s Day (IWD). This day has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911. The day is not country, group or organization specific – and belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. It encourages everyone around the world to make International Women’s Day their day and do what they can to truly make a positive difference for women.
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. For more info visit at www.internationalwomensday.com
Cloth Cat Animation
Cloth Cat Animation, Happy International Women’s Day! Celebrating the many amazing women at Cloth Cat.
Digital Domain
Digital Domain, we celebrate the women of DD! Cheers to you all and thank you for all your contributions to the field. We are thankful to have such inspiring, strong and sharp women on our team!
DNEG, our studios celebrated International Women’s day by recognizing the women of DNEG, supporting the community, and sparking conversation to further diversity and inclusion. Through awareness and discussion we can create change within our industry.
FuseFX, Happy International Women’s Day. We celebrate and spotlight our Vancouver office and the amazing women who call FuseFX home.
Hybride Technologies
Hybride Technologies, the ladies of Hybride joined together to highlight the contribution of women to our studio and the visual effects industry – Happy International Women’s Day!
Industrial Light & Magic
Industrial Light & Magic, Happy International Women’s Day from our Lucasfilm and Industrial Light & Magic team in San Francisco!
Method Studios
Method Studios, Happy International Women’s Day from all of us at Method Studios and Company 3 around the globe! We are big believers in supporting everyone’s achievements at our company, and for Women’s History month we want to focus on the inspiring women we work with every day. We are so thankful for the incredibly talented artists and production teams that make every day exciting. We will be celebrating Women’s History month through March, be sure to check back and see us highlight our amazing staff in the coming weeks.
Pixomondo, Happy International Women’s Day from PIXOMONDO Stuttgart, Canadian branches – Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto and Pixomondo’s Headquarters in Los Angeles!
Rising Sun Pictures
Rising Sun Pictures, We celebrate ‘International Women’s Day’. There are many incredible women who work at RSP. Jennie Zeiher, Head of Business Development talks about her journey in VFX, and encourages females with career aspirations in VFX to follow their dreams.
Rodeo FX
Rodeo FX, Shout-out to kick-ass women everywhere! They’re heroes who elevate cinema and our industry, constantly raising the bar.
Union VFX
Union VFX, Happy International Women’s Day! We gathered up some of Union VFX’s fabulous females on Friday for a photo. It’s great that more women are joining the VFX Industry. They now make up 40% of our team.
WildBrain, We kicked off celebrations for International Womens Day yesterday with our Toronto and WildBrain Spark offices! This year, we are hosting global IWD 2020 pledge walls as a call to action to help forge a more gender-equal world! Plus, we had a speaker session with Women Drawn Together in Toronto to discuss advancing women in the field of animation!
many more updates shared soon…