Worldwide Animation Competition – ‘Escape From Earth’ (Until 14th September 2020)
Worldwide Animation Competition with renowned animation judges. In partnership with SyncSketch, Anim School and Ramon Arango.
We are very excited to announce a Worldwide Animation Competition with a topic – ‘Escape From Earth’ – we have world famous animation judges, prizes from renowned animation companies and much more!
Theme: Escape from Earth
Start Date: 20th July 2020
End Date: 14th September 2020
Length: minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 seconds (quality before quantity, don’t bite more than you can chew).
Animation rig: Please download Malcom rig from the following link and follow the rules What you can & can’t do, this apply to this competition as well.
Submission: You can simply upload your submission at Then you will have to fill up your application through eventbrite and provide us Syncsketch link to your creation.
Animators can choose to do a fully body-mechanics shot, or a fully acting shot, or a mix of both. Animators can choose existing audio from any medium or record audio themselves.
Animators may add environment and props to their shots, but the quality of those props sets will not influence the final decision for the winner. We want animators to focus on the animation and use whatever they want to add to their shots as far as it is not offensive or illegal.
Animations will be judged by: Quality, Originality, Idea, Appeal, Acting, Body-MechanicsAnimations will not be judged by: Length (as long as it’s inside the 5-15 second). Render or any other addition to the shot (other departments work) besides animation. Playblasts are just as fine as fully rendered shots. Only the animation will be under scrutiny.
Good luck! We are excited to see your creations!
About SyncSketch
SyncSketch is an extremely powerful and robust web-based synchronized real-time platform for the animation, VFX, and game market. SyncSketch drastically reduces artistic iterations, by providing tools for a seamless artist to artist communication and precise and rapid art direction. No matter if you team is using syncsketch to conduct a real-time synchronized director review with up to 60(+) participants, or give peer-to-peer feedback – the speed and simplicity keeps artists happy, and will save any production a significant amount of time and money. The goal is to archive higher quality results faster, without any notes getting lost in translation.
About AnimSchool
AnimSchool is an accredited (ACCSC) online school for learning 3D animation, modeling and rigging. AnimSchool is dedicated to helping our graduates be prepared and able to succeed in their industry careers. Our graduates currently have an 86% placement rate in the industry. Learning directly from industry professionals in a live online classroom setting, you can work to gain the skills to get a job in 3D animation. AnimSchool teaches students career skills in either our Animation or Character Programs, from the first stages of learning to ready to look for work in the industry. AnimSchool also offers individual courses for working animators, modelers, riggers, and 3D generalists needing a career boost.
About Apollo & Artemis characters rigs by Ramon Arango
Ramon is a professional character animator, since he did a modeling/rigging internship at Pixar in 2017, he wanted to make 2 fully rigged and articulated characters; A to Z.
For more information, please visit at Worldwide Animation Competition