Project Power (2020 film)
Project Power is an upcoming American superhero film directed by Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost, produced by Eric Newman and Bryan Unkeless, and written by Mattson Tomlin. It stars Jamie Foxx, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Dominique Fishback in the main roles alongside Machine Gun Kelly, Rodrigo Santoro, Amy Landecker and Allen Maldonado.
It is scheduled to be released on August 14, 2020, by Netflix.
Directors: Henry Joost, Ariel Schulman
Release Date: 14 August 2020 (USA)
Production Supervisor: Ivan Moran
The VFX are made by:
Distillery VFX
East Side Effects
Image Engine
Outpost VFX
Territory Studio
For more information, please visit at Project Power