Trust Behind the Scenes
Trust is an American anthology drama television series created by Simon Beaufoy that premiered on March 25, 2018 on FX. The 10-episode first season, written by Beaufoy and directed by Danny Boyle and others, is set in 1973 and recounts the abduction of John Paul Getty III, then-heir to Getty Oil, while he was in Italy.
Trust VFX Breakdown by Union VFX
Union VFX, Trust – the ten part FX Networks drama that takes a look at one of America’s most infamous families… the Gettys.
The Union team used a combination of digital environments, atmospherics, modern day clean up, and fx simulations.
Trust VFX breakdown by LenscareFX
LenscareFX has supplied 130 shots for 10 part FX Tv drama TRUST starring Donald Sutherland.
For more information, please visit at Trust