VFX Horde Sequences are Open For Pledging
The VFX Horde bridges the gap between education and your career in Visual Effects for feature film. The VFX Horde offers resources to build a fantastic demo reel at the same time providing you education and experience.
The VFX Horde is currently offering early access to 6 sequences for people who pledged their support to the VFX Horde. VFX Horde sequences include high resolution, professionally shot footage, files, art direction and training from Leads in the visual effects industry.
Each sequence is kicked off with a brief from your sequence lead that describes the work needing to be done for your particular VFX discipline. Sequence are broken down into shots with all the necessary files such as high quality, professionally shot footage, 3d tracked cameras, reference files, shot templates, 3D assets, comp elements, and more. Leads will be providing you with direction and training. With each Sequence training provided is specifically aimed at the challenges you’ll face while working on your sequence.
3D Digital Matte Painting / Environment Artists
Everything is there for you to start working on these 6 sequences—with the sequence training scheduled to be completed in late Fall 2017. By pledging to a sequence, you will gain early access at a significant discount, in addition to gaining access to the sequence training when it becomes available in the Fall.
You can also pledge to get access to all the sequences and join a special 3DDMP/Environment TD group to participate in a twice a month daily session where your work will be reviewed and critiqued by the Sequence Lead.
Compositing, FX and Lighting
When you pledge, you will gain access to the footage, 3D tracked cameras and undistord nodes for each shot. When further sequence files and training become available for your discipline, you will automatically gain access. The development of these sequences are planned for the Fall of 2017 without solid dates.
For more information visit at VFX Horde