Women’s Day Special VFX Interview – Dorota Woropaj, Junior Producer, Platige Image

March 8, 2020 – March 8 marks International Women’s Day (IWD). This day has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911. The day is not country, group or organization specific – and belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. It encourages everyone around the world to make International Women’s Day their day and do what they can to truly make a positive difference for women.
International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. For more info visit at www.internationalwomensday.com
Today, Dorota Woropaj talks to VFX Online about her experience as a woman working in the VFX and Animation industry.
// From Dorota Woropaj, Junior Producer, Platige Image
How do you describe yourself professionally?
I am a Junior Producer at Platige Image. I was involved in both VFX and animation projects, including The Witcher, theme parks and student etudes. My main responsibilities are creating the budget, scheduling and supervising production workflow.
How did you enter in this industry?
By luck. My goal was to work in the animation industry, but vacancy in Platige Image was in the VFX department. I didn’t have any knowledge about VFX, soat first I gain edit as a support for VFX Producers in many different tasks such as breakdowns, in house work managing, etc. Then I started to work on The Witcher as VFX Production Assistant and now I am a Junior Producer. That’show my adventure with VFX went on.
What’s your greatest achievements in VFX/Animation Industry?
I think assisting in doing the VFX for The Witcher. It was a long and big project that taught me a lot, both about work in producing VFX, and about the workflow of creating effects on such a scale.
Which is your favorite film in VFX and Animation and why?
When it comes to VFX, I really like Blade Runner 2040. It’s hard to pick a single animatied movie, because my interest in movies depends on their technique and story. Recently, I really appreciated Klaus, and I also love Monsters, Inc.
What was your Best VFX/Animation project worked for?
The Witcher. It was a big challenge for me to learn in a short time how to manage that kind of project, and VFX at all. It was great to be part of the team of artists who created that world, and consequently, to become part of this family.
What will be your ‘dream project’ to work on?
My dream is to work on a full length animation film. I really love to work on various techniques, such as puppet animation, 2D, 3D, stop motion and hand drawn animation. If there was a movie in the making which mixed all of them, I would be thrilled to be part of it.
Which direction would you like to take your career in the near future?
I am building my career path to become a creative producer. Productionis a good and interesting field, but it lacks the creative factor (what you can choose amounts to the color you use in your excel sheet). I would love to be close when ideas come up, then take the form of a doodle, then turn into a concept, and finally into a movie.
What advice would you give to women who wish to get into this industry?
Take your time and try to work with the best. Learn a lot from great artists and producers who are creating this wonderful world of VFX and animation.
We would like to thank Dorota Woropaj for the great interview, and if you like to know more about her, check out her .