
LEGO – Rebuild the World VFX Making by Mikros MPC

LEGO – Rebuild the World VFX Making by Mikros MPC

Through its title, “Rebuild The World” sets the scene of the new LEGO campaign – a tribute to imagination and to the iconic brand.

For this project, Mikros MPC teamed up with major players in the industry – BETC, Stink and TRAKTOR, known for the unique universes they create, where acting and scenography are central to the story. The film tells the incredible adventures of an obstinate hunter trying to catch a mischievous and playful white rabbit in a town where anything can happen, fluctuating between realism and surrealism.

MPC: Official page about LEGO – Rebuild the World on MPC website.

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Written by VFX Online

VFX Online, now writing with a focus on Visual Effects and Animation and Gaming, writing at VFX Online Blog since 2016. VFX Online in India.


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