
Asifa Central Animators Retreat 2020 (17th to 19th July 2020)

Asifa Central Animators Retreat 2020 (17th to 19th July 2020)

Asifa Central, We are so excited about our online retreat this year, amazing guest speakers, cool innovative online events, talks and opportunity to work collaboratively! This is where we will post information about how to virtually meet along with our schedule and various other important pieces of information.

The first step is to register your interest in attending by filling in the RSVP form below. This helps us plan our break-out sessions and workshops which are all free!

For safety this year, we are moving our annual animators retreat to online. We see this as an opportunity rather than a problem. In that regard, all events this year are free and include some amazing guest speakers and workshops!

Guest speakers include Disney Storyboard artist James Suhr, Independent feature film director Nina Paley, and Independent feature film director Chris Sullivan!

Workshops include a stop-motion animation project that will be sent to you through the U.S. Postal System (until supplies run out) to animate during the workshops! We also will be doing a Zoom pixilation animation for the first time in history!!

For educators, animation producers, and curious peeps we have added a round table discussion on remote production pipelines and a workshop on using and finding public domain music. More stuff to be announced!


7:00 Welcome! From President R. Brad Yarhouse

Let’s order Pizza together and enjoy an evening of exploring the world of storyboards with Disney Storyboard artist James Suhr*


10:00-12:00 Saturday morning cartoons with Chuck
1:00-2:30 (7) Saturday Lighting Rounds 5 minutes + 5 QA
2:30-3:00 Coffee and Guest animation
3:00-4:30 Breakout Schedule
Ani-Mail Papercut stop-motion session with Chris Sagovac
Zoom pixilation! with Steve Leeper
Technical how-to Demo (TBD)


6:30-7:30 Show & Tell from breakout sessions and this year’s ASIFA Central 2 minute short debut, part of the 60th anniversary of ASIFA international!
7:30 Guest Filmmaker Nina Paley** showing her most recent feature, “Seder Masochism” with Q&A to follow.


12:00 Open discussion regarding Officer Elections and extending terms to 3 years
1:00 Educators Round Table on Remote Production Pipelines Gary Schwartz, TBD
2:00 -2:30 Public Domain Music by Jim Middleton
3:00 Guest Filmmaker Chris Sullivan*** showing the making of his most recent feature “Orbit of Minor Satellites”.


For more information, please visit at Asifa Central

What do you think?

Written by VFX Online

VFX Online, now writing with a focus on Visual Effects and Animation and Gaming, writing at VFX Online Blog since 2016. VFX Online in India.


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