Cartoon Movie 2020
Cartoon Movie 2020, More than 900 animated feature film producers, investors and distributors from 40 countries are expected from March 3 to 5, 2020 in Bordeaux for the new edition of Cartoon Movie, an international event around the film animation and digital image.
03rd to 05th March 2020
Bordeaux, France
Cartoon Movie is neither a fair nor a festival, but rather a pitching & co-pro forum for animated feature films. For two days, producers have the opportunity to pitch their film project in order to speed up financing, find co-producers and interest international distributors. Since its creation in 1999, 365 films found financing, representing a total budget of 2.4 billion EUR.
Who can register?
Producers whose project has been accepted by the Selection Committee
European producers without accepted project (considered as “observers”)
Investors, sales agents, distributors, broadcasters, new media representatives, gaming companies, animation studios, authors, directors, composers, animation professionals, …
For more info, visit at Cartoon Movie 2020