The Addams Family (2019 film)
The Addams Family is an upcoming American 3D computer-animated comedy horror film based on the comics of the same name by Charles Addams. The film is directed by Conrad Vernon and Greg Tiernan, and will star the voices of Oscar Isaac, Charlize Theron, Chloë Grace Moretz, Finn Wolfhard, Nick Kroll, Snoop Dogg, Bette Midler, and Allison Janney.
It is set to be released in the United States by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer through United Artists Releasing and by Universal Pictures internationally on October 11, 2019.
Directors: Greg Tiernan, Conrad Vernon
Release Date: 11 October 2019 (USA)
The VFX are made by:
Cinesite (visual effects and animation)
Double Negative (3D Conversion)
EFilm (digital intermediate)
The Picture Mill (main titles by)
Scarlet Letters (end crawl by)
For more info:
Official website of The Addams Family
Official IMDB page of The Addams Family