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Women’s Day Special VFX Interview – Siting Liu, Senior Creature TD, Pixomondo Vancouver

Women’s Day Special VFX Interview – Siting Liu, Senior Creature TD, Pixomondo Vancouver

Siting Liu

February 18, 2020March 8 marks International Women’s Day (IWD). This day has occurred for well over a century, with the first IWD gathering in 1911. The day is not country, group or organization specific – and belongs to all groups collectively everywhere. It encourages everyone around the world to make International Women’s Day their day and do what they can to truly make a positive difference for women.

International Women’s Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. For more info visit at

Siting Liu is from China, currently working as Senior Creature TD at Pixomondo Vancouver.

Today, Siting Liu talks to VFX Online about her experience as a woman working in the VFX and Animation industry.

// From Siting Liu, Senior Creature TD, Pixomondo Vancouver

How do you describe yourself professionally?

I’m a Creature TD that specializes in rigging. Animation rigs are like puppets – they allow the animator to create the motion and performance while managing the anatomical details in the background. I create animator friendly rigs with aesthetically pleasing shapes based on anatomical reference. Besides rigging, I’m also disciplined in character effects that predominately includes sculpting and simulating muscles.

I’m constantly sharpening my coding skills and creating time saving tools that extend well outside of my normal work hours. Last but not least, I making sure I’m always supporting our animators and resolving any problems that might come up.

What sparked your interest in visual effects?

I love the challenge of replicating the fine details and mannerisms of any creature/character to make them seem as real as possible — so real that it hopefully fools the audience.

How did you enter in this industry?

I’ve been obsessed with comic books and animation since I was I kid. I’ve always dreamt to one day be a creator of such things. That’s why I chose animation as my major in school and, luckily, got a job right after I finished my studies.

What does the idea of empowerment mean to you?

It means giving people support to achieve their goals, and letting them know they should never limit themselves. Empowerment also means that one must keep learning and updating their knowledge so they will feel strong and confident when facing new challenges.

What’s your greatest achievements in VFX/Animation Industry?

I think every project has its own way of being great. You don’t always need an award or a nomination because the experience of having worked on it was worth it. It is the accumulation of the journey that has made me who I am and what I’m capable of accomplishing today.

What is the current state for women in the industry?

In my opinion, the job opportunities and wages are fair between genders in the VFX/Animation industry. When you have good skills and do a honest job, everyone sees you for yourself, not what your gender is. As for job roles, I have seen an increase of women doing well in technical fields. They are constantly pushing themselves to higher levels.

Which is your favorite film in VFX and Animation and why?

‘Jungle book’ and ‘Lion King’. I was amazed by how real those CG creatures looked.

‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’. Every aspect of thisis super unique and excellent.

What was your Best VFX/Animation project worked for?

I really enjoyed working on A Dog’s Way Home, where I was involved in the creature muscle simulation. Working with digital creatures is something I truly love doing.

What will be your ‘dream project’ to work on?

Give me any project with lots of creatures that need muscles or digi double human faces. Nothing makes me happier than studying the subtleties and nuances needed to fake the real world around us. Something very stylish and animated would also be really fun to work on.

Which influential woman do you admire the most?

I admire every one of my female co-workers. Their dedication, motivation and creativity contribute to the atmosphere and collaborative environment we all help create.

How has your experience been working at Pixomondo?

It’s been great! Pixomondo gives me the space to grow as an artist. I always feel included here and my work is appreciated and recognized.

What do you think about the number of women nominated for Oscar/VES/BAFTA or other award shows this year? Is it reflective of the work that’s out there? Did more women need to be recognized?.

In my view, every nominated project is the reflection of all the talent, dedication and creativity that went into it. This is fair play which has nothing to do with gender. If you are great, people will naturally take notice. There is no need to purposely raise the number of women to be recognized. Being equal is the greatest form of respect and affirmation to your hard work and expertise.

Which direction would you like to take your career in the near future?

I would like to further my skills in programming and math to improve my ability in Research & Development. I also would like to take more time studying anatomical reference. Technology can quickly become out of date, but a strong understanding about the intricacies of both human and animalistic anatomy never expires.

What advice would you give to women who wish to get into this industry?

Don’t let others define who you are or what you are capable of doing. You define yourself. It’s a hard journey with lots of late nights and learning many new skills — so, please prioritize your good health as best as you can. Treating yourself to a day at the spa doesn’t hurt either.

What is your International Women’s Day Greetings Message?

Keep shining ladies!

We would like to thank Siting Liu for the great interview, and if you like to know more about her, check out her IMDB and .

What do you think?

Written by VFX Online

VFX Online, now writing with a focus on Visual Effects and Animation and Gaming, writing at VFX Online Blog since 2016. VFX Online in India.


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