‘Klaus,’ A New Animated Short Film
Klaus is a 2019 animated Christmas comedy film written and directed by Sergio Pablos in his directorial debut, produced by Sergio Pablos Animation Studios (also known as the SPA Studios) with support from Aniventure and distributed by Netflix as its first original animated feature. Co-written by Zach Lewis and Jim Mahoney, the film stars Jason Schwartzman, J. K. Simmons, Rashida Jones, Joan Cusack, Will Sasso, and Norm MacDonald. Serving as a fictional origin story to the myth of Santa Claus, the plot revolves around a postman stationed in a town to the North who befriends a reclusive toy-maker (Klaus).
Director: Sergio Pablos
Writers: Zach Lewis, Jim Mahoney, Sergio Pablos
Animation by: The SPA Studios
Images of ‘Klaus’
For more info, visit at Klaus IMDB | Klaus Netflix.