Nvizible and Nvizage Join Talents as Nviz and Welcome New Artists
We are really pleased to announce that across our London and L.A. offices, we are bringing all stages of the visual effects process under one roof: storyboarding, previs, stuntvis, techvis, virtual production, on-set and post-production graphics, and visual effects. The teams at Nvizage and Nvizible have always worked together, shared ideas, shared people and shared the same front door, this is the next natural step. We are Nviz.
Huge news! We now have a new office in Los Angeles! Monty Granito joins the team as Creative Director for LA, bringing with him vast experience in the development phase of live action and feature animation.
Meanwhile in London, Chris Lunney has been appointed as Nviz Creative Director. Chris joined Nvizible in 2012 and brings over a decade of Art Department experience to the VFX process.
Janek Lender became Head of Visualisation at the end of 2018. As Previs Supervisor, he has worked on projects such as Life, Venom and Artemis Fowl, and most recently on upcoming projects The King’s Man and Morbius.
To join Nviz Studio visit here.
Source: Nviz
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