The Spanish Short “Zombie Time” Selected in the Comic-Con San Diego, The Festival of Fantastic Comics and Most Important World Cinema
The same creative team Zombie Time will present its new and innovative project, Zombie Meteor.
Zombie Time
After working for more than 70 festivals nationally and internationally, where he has received several awards, Zombie Time, animated short film directed by Alfonso Fulgencio and produced by José Luis Farias, will arrive in the second half of July at Comic-Con San Diego.
The mythical figures of Lego star in the short film competing in the animation category. On July 19, director and producer will travel to San Diego to present to the public Zombie Time demanding of Comic-Con.
Each year tens of thousands of fans of comics, movies, television series and video games come together in the biggest celebration of popular culture around the world, where movies, series and most anticipated video games are presented.
Zombie Time, performed by integrating 3D characters in real environments, is a production of Paramotion Films, audiovisual company with fifteen years of experience dedicated to organizing events, digital postproduction and audiovisual training.
Zombie Meteor
Within the environment of the Comic-Con the launch will be made exclusively of new work by the producer, Zombie Meteor, an innovative and collaborative project where the public will be part of the production and where, through various workshops given by professionals in active VFX, will perform the plans of what later become a movie.
“Zombie Meteor is a different way of making films and VFX in which they can share experiences and create together , ” explains Alfonso Fulgencio, its director José Luis Farias, his producer, he adds. “We are assembling a community where everyone can participate many ways, with support networks in crowdfunding platforms, creating and deciding the concept designs and through various workshops where the planes will form the teaser of the film”.
10 kilometers meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs. One end 100 meters humans.
A meteorite approaches the Earth, its composition is very strange and has baffled the scientific community. It is a huge ball made of zombies clustered by gravity wandering through space. Not much time to act, we must divert. Especially since the real threat is brewing inside …
10 kilometers meteorite wiped out the dinosaurs. One end 100 meters humans.
Source: Zombie Meteor
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