Warrior Main Title Sequence by Method Studios
Method Studios transports audiences to post-Civil War San Francisco in the Emmy-nominated stylized martial arts-inspired title sequence for Cinemax’s “Warrior,” a new show highlighting the era’s clash between Chinese- and English-speaking cultures. Maintaining a three-color palette throughout the full CG sequence, artists harkened back to the era by blending dimensionalized stills and action-heavy fight animation. Artists also applied abstract painterly textures as a tool to transition between imagery and highlight specific details on clothing, storefronts, and more.
Creative Director: John Likens
Executive Producer: Adrienne Mitchell
Producer: Emily Schaeberle
Lead Designer: Arisu Kashiwagi
Art Director: Arisu Kashiwagi, Wesley Ebelhar
Design and Animation: John Likens, Wesley Ebelhar, Nan Wei
CG Artists: Jeongyeon Son, David Derwin
For more information, please visit at Method Studios