
Koala Animated Short Film

Koala Animated Short Film

Koala is an animated short created using Unreal Engine 4. It is the result of R&D activities in the real-time engine and is a teaser of future projects based on this environment. In our sequence, director Anna Szustak tells the story of a man who finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time, in the form of a spectacular battle scene.

We were able to take full advantage of Unreal Engine 4’s capabilities in this project, including the groundbreaking ray tracing technology, which calculates the trajectory of light rays and naturally simulates their dispersion in the environment. Thanks to Unreal Engine 4, we were able to edit the lighting and see changes in real time without a long rendering process. The technology allowed us to maintain the highest quality of the visual side with a much shorter time for film production.

Koala is the first Platige project to take full advantage of Unreal Engine 4. We plan to further integrate this environment with our technological background and we hope that we will soon create more projects based on this real-time engine.

For more information, please visit at Koala

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Written by VFX Online

VFX Online, now writing with a focus on Visual Effects and Animation and Gaming, writing at VFX Online Blog since 2016. VFX Online in India.


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