
New Tool Helps Artists Create 3D Scenes Out of Photoshop Drawings

New Tool Helps Artists Create 3D Scenes Out of Photoshop Drawings

Animation Studio e.d. films Launches PSD to 3D Plugin to Make 3D More Accessible to 2D Artists and Matte Painters

MONTREAL, Canada – May 20, 2019 – Today, e.d. films releases PSD to 3D – a new plugin that converts 2D drawings into 3D content. Artists with little to no 3D experience can now bypass the modeling phase, turning Photoshop sketches into moldable scenes and characters, ready for animation.

“An illustrated look is hard to replicate in 3D, even if you know the software,” said Daniel Gies, Art + Tech Director at e.d. films. “With PSD to 3D, every line and brush stroke is passed onto the 3D meshes, so artists can bring a unique look to their animations.”

PSD to 3D was developed in-house at e.d. films, an award-winning animation studio based in Montreal. While the converter is production-grade, it is also simple enough that a 3D novice can start converting Photoshop drawings and paintings within minutes. After conversion, the 3D objects will be available within Autodesk Maya for tweaks, including depth and resolution. All objects correspond to the original Photoshop layers, giving artists an easy way to build up and adjust scenes and characters.

PSD to 3D replaces an outdated After Effects method that often requires artists to produce hundreds of layers to achieve a 3D look. Since After Effects wasn’t made to be a 3D engine, the process is slow and difficult, lacking the real-time speed that most artists use to iterate effectively. With PSD to 3D, a simple conversion makes all of Maya’s tools available in minutes, helping artists animate much faster.

To mark the launch, e.d. films has prepared a short demo demonstrating how artists can start using PSD to 3D on their animated projects today. e.d. films will also be releasing eight new assets into their online store including custom sound bundles, handy scripts, workflow helpers and special assets like sparkles, fog and bugs. These items join a growing list of tools, brushes and animated aids that e.d. films make available after every production.

Pricing and Availability

PSD to 3D is available now in two versions that cater to artists with different levels of 3D experience: PSD to 3D Lite (CA$25) and PSD to 3D Pro (CA$75). Each version is compatible with Photoshop CC 2014–2019 and Maya 2016–2019. To celebrate the launch, each version will be available for a reduced rate until June 3, 2019.

About e.d. films

e.d. films in an award-winning animation house, digital tools lab and full-service studio based in Montreal. Founded in 2007, e.d. films has become an industry favorite thanks to its unique style and unwavering commitment to sharing its processes and knowledge online. In 2018, e.d. films launched a store to provide access to the tools it creates during its productions, including Giant Bear and the upcoming short, Hairy Hill.

Source: e.d. films

// For more info:

Official website of e.d. films

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Written by VFX Online

VFX Online, now writing with a focus on Visual Effects and Animation and Gaming, writing at VFX Online Blog since 2016. VFX Online in India.


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