Reality Engine 2.9 is released!
Reality Engine 2.9 is based on Unreal Engine 4.23.
Reality 2.9 is based on Unreal® Engine 4.23. In this release, we introduce a Post Process Bypassing Mechanism for Video. This new feature allows input video (talent) to be rendered inside 3D scene. Unreal’s Temporal AA, Depth of Field, Motion Blur and Tonemapping post processing mechanism can be selectively bypassed with floating point weight controls. This new pipeline is an alternative to Composite Passes pipeline, while allowing the creation of flying camera effects easily on tracked camera, especially when combined with talent tracking, such as BlackTrax.
Here are some sneak peek features:
Post Process Bypassing Mechanism for Video.
HLG (Hybrid Log Gamma) Gamma Curve support for Broadcast HDR workflows.
Reality Keyer performance improvements for HDR.
4K / UHD raw camera input from Panasonic Varicam LT via dual link 3G SDI connection.
Reality Starter Project: You can find samples for many applications such as data-driven graphics, animation triggers, 2D broadcast graphics templates including channel branding and weather.
Visit the documents page to see all new features!